Sunday 14 February 2010

Library poster

A brief to make an A2 poster encouraging other students to use the Grand Parade Campus Library. I had many ideas and settled on this one because I was desperate to have a go at Alison Carmichael-inspired type. It was so hard to get this piece of text right, used up around 20 pages of my layout pad. But I'm happy with the finished look of the type, and satisfied enough with the rest but might re-work it at some point. The feedback was 50/50, with some stating the type was too confusing and hard to read, (which is completely understandable, I just wanted to have a go) and some arguing that that it what makes the poster good, the shapes are initially intriguing, making the viewer want to look more at the poster. So I will probably do another, more legible version, but keep this one because I'm pleased with it.

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