Tuesday 14 July 2009

In the beginning, Maria created Art.

I'm not sure how long I'll keep this up, or how commited I will be to it, we'll see. It's just for my work, so that family can keep up while I'm at Uni and so that I can organise stuff on a page to make it easier for my ever-so-simple mind.
Recently finished final major project at the old art foundation course at University of Gloucestershire, which was a fanTASTIC year. Going to miss it a lot, especially a few certain people. But we all move along. The project was a collage, something I have never really done properly, and something that would keep me going throughout the month or so that it took to do. Entitled "Things We Have Learnt In Our Lives So Far", it was based heavily on a Sagmeister ongoing project of a very similar name. I had so much fun collecting the anonymous contributions, filling up the sketchbook and then shoving stuff all over the wall including a small animation. Finished project was a success and I heard nothing but good feedback. Which is sort of expected, I can imagine if people didn't like it, they wouldn't just tell me to my face. But that's not the point. Enjoy.

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